Zero Trust Web 访问:浏览 Web 的唯一安全方法
不只把网络访问归类为“安全”或“劣”。 Forcepoint ONE 网络安全为采用人工智能等技术的用户提供防护,并防止潜在的恶意网站和其他活动。
FORCEPOINT 与同类型竞争产品之间的差异
Forcepoint | 传统安全供应商
| 传统网络供应商 | |
Secure Web Gateway (SWG) 功能
| |||
免责声明:产品比较表根据截至 2023 年 3 月 1 日同一供应商提供的产品内功能和跨产品组合整合所编制。比较内容不包含与第三方供应商的整合。功能比较表根据截至 2023 年 3 月 1 日每家供应商推出的最新版所编制。信息来源于截至 2023 年 3 月 1 日从公共网站、论坛、分析师文章和产品资料表中收集的数据。
Why Forcepoint ONE Web Security
Control Sensitive Data on the Web
Identify and block potentially risky exfiltration attempts or data leaks anywhere on the web.
Stop Web-based Threats
Forcepoint’s Advanced Classification Engine (ACE) prevents both zero-day and known ransomware attacks.
Uncover and Monitor Shadow IT
Locate unsanctioned web and SaaS activity and safeguard emerging applications such as ChatGPT and Generative AI.
Deliver Consistent Performance
Provide users with safe and reliable access to the internet, wherever they're located.

Forrester Wave™:安全服务边缘解决方案 ,2024 年第一季度
阅读报告,了解 Forrester 为什么将 Forcepoint 评为安全服务边缘 (SSE) 解决方案的领导者,此前 Forcepoint 则誉为数据安全平台的领导者。
Safely Access Risky Websites
Provide additional threat protection through a Forcepoint Remote Browser Isolation (RBI) integration with Forcepoint Web Security. RBI renders potentially risky websites in a container to prevent malware attacks from launching.
Defend Against Advanced Threats
Expand threat detection capabilities through the Forcepoint Advanced Malware Detection and Protection (AMDP) integration with Forcepoint Web Security. AMDP quickly detects known and unknown malware threats and zero-day exploits to keep data secure.
为什么客户选择 Forcepoint Web Security
为什么客户选择 Forcepoint Web Security

"Forcepoint has been named a leader in the Forrester Wave™ for Security Service Edge (SSE) Solutions."
阅读报告Stay Informed to Secure Your Data