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Forcepoint Web Security (SWG)


Webアクセスを「安全」または「悪」に分類する以上のことを行います。 Forcepoint ONE Web Securityは、AIなどのテクノロジーを採用しているユーザーにガードレールを提供し、悪意のあるWebサイトやその他の活動から保護します。





セキュアウェブゲートウェイ (SWG)の特徴

  • 分散型執行 
  • パブリッククラウドの柔軟性 
  • きめ細かなウェブコンテンツのフィルタリング 
  • 成熟したウェブブラウザー分離  (RBI) テクノロジー 
  • コンテンツ無害化でのウェブブラウザ―分離 (RBI) で取得したファイルのサニタイズ
Full Harvey Ball
Half Harvey Ball
Half Harvey Ball


  • 組み込まれたDLPの適用 
  • 定義済みの広範なポリシーライブラリ 
  • Classifi分類タグ付け 
  • ICAPによるネットワークの保護
Full Harvey Ball
Half Harvey Ball
Empty Harvey Ball


Why Forcepoint ONE Web Security

Control Sensitive Data on the Web

Identify and block potentially risky exfiltration attempts or data leaks anywhere on the web. 

Stop Web-based Threats

Forcepoint’s Advanced Classification Engine (ACE) prevents both zero-day and known ransomware attacks. 

Uncover and Monitor Shadow IT

Locate unsanctioned web and SaaS activity and safeguard emerging applications such as ChatGPT and Generative AI. 

Deliver Consistent Performance

Provide users with safe and reliable access to the internet, wherever they're located. 

Forrester Wave Graphic

The Forrester Wave™: Security Service Edge Solutions 2024 年第 1 四半期

ForresterがForcepointをSecurity Service Edge (SSE)ソリューションのリーダーに選んだ理由、および以前にForcepointをData Security Platformsのリーダーに認定した理由をご覧ください。





Safely Access Risky Websites 

Provide additional threat protection through a Forcepoint Remote Browser Isolation (RBI) integration with Forcepoint Web Security. RBI renders potentially risky websites in a container to prevent malware attacks from launching. 

Discover How

SWG Product Card




Defend Against Advanced Threats 

Expand threat detection capabilities through the Forcepoint Advanced Malware Detection and Protection (AMDP) integration with Forcepoint Web Security. AMDP quickly detects known and unknown malware threats and zero-day exploits to keep data secure. 

Learn More

Defend against threats card

Forcepoint Web Securityが選ばれる理由


Forcepoint has been named a leader in the Forrester Wave™ for Security Service Edge (SSE) Solutions.


We expect people to click malicious links while they’re working at home or on the road and so ensuring they receive the same level of protection as if they were on the enterprise network is very valuable to us.

Peer insights

...complete proxy solution with web threat detection & prevention.

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