对出站电子邮件进行代理管理,并在最需要的地方防止泄露。 Forcepoint ONE Data Security for Email 提供行业领先的数据盗窃防控技术。
为什么选择 Forcepoint ONE Data Security for Email

通过一个控制台消除多个 DLP的情况。 通过 Forcepoint ONE Data Security 平台的单一用户界面,在电子邮件、Web、云和端点配置和部署策略。
轻松部署在主要的电子邮件提供商上,如微软Exchange、Gmail for Business等。在不到五分钟的时间内配置并发布策略。
在本地或云端部署并保存电子邮件,无需在云端存储敏感数据。 利用现有的 Microsoft 加密功能,更好地保护您的数据。
Forcepoint ONE Data Security for Email 运行在 AWS 云上,提供99.99%的正常运行时间,无需计划停机时间,因此您的数据在一天中的任何时候都能保持安全。

借助 Forcepoint ONE Data Security,实现简化、安全
Secure data everywhere with Forcepoint. Prevent breaches and simplify compliance by using AI to power data discovery and classification, unifying policy management and adapting to risk in real time.
Forcepoint ONE Data Security (DLP SaaS): Safeguard sensitive information and enforce compliance with DLP Software-as-a-Service (SaaS).
DSPM (Data Security Posture Management): Automate data discovery, classification and orchestration to get total control and visibility of your data across the enterprise.
Risk-Adaptive Protection: Automatically adjust policies based on user behavior to adapt in real-time to emerging risks.
Data Classification: Develop greater accuracy and efficiency in classifying data with the help of AI and ML.

下载 The Forrester Wave™: Data Security Platforms, Q1 2023 报告。 了解为什么分析师将 Forcepoint列为数据安全领域的领导者。
为什么组织选择 Forcepoint DLP
为什么组织选择 Forcepoint DLP

"Organizations seeking a strong technology partner for enabling a Zero Trust approach and risk-adaptive data security controls should consider Forcepoint."
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