對出站電子郵件進行無代理控制,防止在最需要的地方發生外洩。 Forcepoint ONE Data Security for Email 可對資料竊盜的主要媒介提供業界領先的控制。
為什麼選擇 Forcepoint ONE Data Security for Email

利用單一主控台消除多個 DL利用 Forcepoint ONE Data Security 平台,從單一使用者介面配置及部署政策,涵蓋電子郵件、網頁、雲端和端點。
在主要電子郵件供應商 (如 Microsoft Exchange、Gmail for Business 和其他) 上輕鬆部署。 不到 5 分鐘即可配置及發布政策。
從內部部署或雲端部署電子郵件,無需在雲端儲存敏感資料。 利用現有的 Microsoft 加密功能更完善地保護資料。
Forcepoint ONE Data Security for Email 在 AWS 雲端執行,提供 99.99% 的正常運行時間,且沒有預定的停機時間,因此您的資料能隨時保持安全。

利用 Forcepoint ONE Data Security 簡化並保護安全
Secure data everywhere with Forcepoint. Prevent breaches and simplify compliance by using AI to power data discovery and classification, unifying policy management and adapting to risk in real time.
Forcepoint ONE Data Security (DLP SaaS): Safeguard sensitive information and enforce compliance with DLP Software-as-a-Service (SaaS).
DSPM (Data Security Posture Management): Automate data discovery, classification and orchestration to get total control and visibility of your data across the enterprise.
Risk-Adaptive Protection: Automatically adjust policies based on user behavior to adapt in real-time to emerging risks.
Data Classification: Develop greater accuracy and efficiency in classifying data with the help of AI and ML.

下載《The Forrester Wave™: Data Security Platforms》2023 年第 1 季報告。 瞭解分析師為何將 Forcepoint 譽為資料安全領域的領頭羊。
為何組織選擇 Forcepoint DLP
為何組織選擇 Forcepoint DLP

"Organizations seeking a strong technology partner for enabling a Zero Trust approach and risk-adaptive data security controls should consider Forcepoint."
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