Email Data Loss Prevention (DLP)
Verhindern Sie die häufigste Form von Datenverlust
Behalten Sie die Kontrolle über Ihre Daten, indem Sie die Richtlinienabdeckung auf ausgehende E-Mails ausweiten.
Wenden Sie branchenführende Datensicherheit innerhalb von Minuten auf Ihre E-Mails an.
Erhalten Sie agentenlose Kontrolle über ausgehende E-Mails und verhindern Sie die Herausschleusung dort, wo sie am dringendsten benötigt wird. Forcepoint ONE Data Security for Email bietet branchenführende Kontrolle über den wichtigsten Datendiebstahlsvektor.
Warum Forcepoint ONE Data Security for Email

Eliminate multiple DLPs with one console. Configure and deploy policies from a single user interface across email, web, cloud and endpoint from the Forcepoint ONE Data Security platform.
Easily deploy on major email providers such as Microsoft Exchange, Gmail for Business, and others. Configure and publish policies in less than five minutes.
Deploy from and save emails on on-premises or the cloud, with no sensitive data storage in the cloud necessary. Take advantage of existing Microsoft encryption capabilities to better protect your data.
Forcepoint ONE Data Security for Email runs in the AWS cloud, providing 99.99 percent uptime with no scheduled downtime so your data stays secure at any time of day.

Entdecken Sie die Leistungsfähigkeit von Forcepoint ONE Data Security for Email
Optimieren Sie Ihre Abläufe und schützen Sie Ihre Daten mit Forcepoint ONE Data Security
Secure data everywhere with Forcepoint. Prevent breaches and simplify compliance by using AI to power data discovery and classification, unifying policy management and adapting to risk in real time.
Forcepoint ONE Data Security (DLP SaaS): Safeguard sensitive information and enforce compliance with DLP Software-as-a-Service (SaaS).
DSPM (Data Security Posture Management): Automate data discovery, classification and orchestration to get total control and visibility of your data across the enterprise.
Risk-Adaptive Protection: Automatically adjust policies based on user behavior to adapt in real-time to emerging risks.
Data Classification: Develop greater accuracy and efficiency in classifying data with the help of AI and ML.

Laden Sie den Bericht von The Forrester Wave™: Data Security Platforms, 1. Quartal 2023, herunter. Erfahren Sie, warum Analysten Forcepoint als einen führenden Anbieter für Datensicherheit einstufen.
Warum sich Unternehmen für Forcepoint DLP entscheiden
Warum sich Unternehmen für Forcepoint DLP entscheiden

"Organizations seeking a strong technology partner for enabling a Zero Trust approach and risk-adaptive data security controls should consider Forcepoint."
Read the Report