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Copyrights and Trademarks


The content that Forcepoint, provides on our website, including, but not limited to, text, graphics, images, and logos, is owned by either Forcepoint or the party that has provided the content to us and is protected by U.S. and international copyright laws. Forcepoint is the sole and exclusive owner of its compilation of this content on our website, and this compilation is also protected by U.S. and international copyright laws. Unpermitted copying of any of this content could lead to copyright infringement.



The trademarks, logos, and service marks (collectively the "Trademarks") displayed on our website, including but not limited to those listed below, are trademarks or registered trademarks of Forcepoint in the U.S. and other countries. All other brands and product names are trademarks or registered trademarks of their respective companies. Nothing contained on our website should be construed as granting, by implication, estoppel, or otherwise, any license or right to use any Trademarks displayed on our website without the permission of Forcepoint or such third party that may own the Trademarks displayed on our website. The misuse of the Trademarks displayed on our website, or any other content on our website, is strictly prohibited. Please be advised that Forcepoint will aggressively enforce its intellectual property rights to the fullest extent of the law, including the seeking of criminal prosecution.

Following is a partial list of trademarks owned by Forcepoint. Omission from this list does not constitute a waiver of any rights that Forcepoint or its subsidiaries may have established in product, feature, term or design.

  • Adaptive Trust Profile
  • Cyber Behavior Catalog
  • Dynamic Data Protection
  • Evader
  • Forcepoint
  • Forcepoint badge 

    The official Forcepoint badge initial F
  • High Speed Guard
  • InnerView
  • RedOwl
  • Spotlight
  • SureView
  • SurfControl
  • ThreatSeeker
  • Trusted Gateway System
  • Trusted Thin Client